Blog Archives

The 65 Cent Latte: How To Make Lattes At Home

How to make a 65-cent latte.

Hot beverages can carry magical powers of encouragement, especially for tired parents. At Christmas one year I gave my wife an electric mug warmer, since she was suffering from perpetually cold tea syndrome, a common parental affliction. Around the edge

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Posted in Beverages, DIY, Recipes

Eating Habits and Influences: We All Carry The Torch

Mom Carrying The Torch

One of my proudest moments was watching my mother carry the Olympic Torch for the Salt Lake games. OK, I wasn’t really watching, I was snapping photos, cheering, smiling, and running ahead to snap more photos. It was a great

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Parenting, Philosophies, Thanks

Inspirational Running, Running a New Version, and Why I’m Running From Zombies

Today’s post is about all about getting inspired, connecting, and…RUN!!!! Inspirational Running Amanda at “Runninghood” (as in motherhood) is a great blogger to read if you run, parent, like to laugh, or all of the above. She’s a former teacher

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Posted in Fitness, Food Articles, Philosophies, Spinning Meals

Milkosaurs and Dairydactyls: Serious Cereal Eating Habits

Milkosaur photographed in its native environment

Our kids are so big into cereal, and dairy in general, that we debate what to call them. Is this the ravenous craving of a Milkosaur? A Tyrannosaurus Chex? A Dairydactyl? We haven’t settled but are accepting votes in the

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Posted in Breakfast, Family, Fast, Food Articles, Kid Friendly, Parenting

Simpsons Foodie Episode and Making Food Fun

The Simpsons Foodie Episode: The Food Wife The Simpsons foodie episode aired last night called “The Food Wife,” and it was a doozy. Marge, Bart, and Lisa start a food blog, providing ample opportunity for jabs at food personalities, food

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Fun, Kid Friendly, Philosophies


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