Blog Archives

Teaching Self-Discipline and Self-Control with Marshmallows? The Importance of Teaching Kids About Delayed Gratification

I’ve often found delaying instant gratification can be a tough personal trait to exercise as an a adult. So it got me wondering about how our kids deal with this crucial thought process. And better yet, what can we do

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Fun, Kid Friendly, Parenting, Philosophies

Where is the Best Place in the Food World?

Photography Workshop with Affogato and Dry Ice

This past weekend the world (of food bloggers) came to Portland for the International Food Blogger Conference. Now that my hometown is a well-known foodie destination, it re-raises the question of where is the best place in the food world?

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Posted in Food Articles, Fun, Philosophies, Thanks

Spinning Cook Giveaways

Spinning Cook Giveaways I must admit, at first I wasn’t really into the giveaway concept. But as I look for ways to promote my blog and app, I’d rather pitch in for a gift card for some lucky winner, rather

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Posted in Fitness, Food Articles, Fun

How To Throw A Rio Party

At the risk of stating the obvious, the number one purpose of a birthday party is for that child to know that they are special and deeply loved. And when my daughter wanted a party based on the movie Rio,

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Posted in Food Articles, Fun, Kid Friendly

Gingerbread Manor and Dual-Purpose Dough: An Awesome Gingerbread house

Gingerbread Manor

My wife and girls really rocked the gingerbread house this year, don’t you think? I’m loving the high facades, snowy landscape, and inhabited interior. I’ve generally believed that a gingerbread recipe can only be good for one purpose: eating or building,

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Posted in Fun, Holidays, Kid Friendly, Recipes, Techniques


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