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Brown Butter Apple Crisp

Brown Butter Apple Crisp Overhead Photo

There’s a monster at the end of this post. You should stop now. The monster is the reason why mine is the only apple crisp recipe which requires two people to prepare. Stop. Now. The first person needs to have

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Posted in Dessert, Recipes

Eating Habits and Influences: We All Carry The Torch

Mom Carrying The Torch

One of my proudest moments was watching my mother carry the Olympic Torch for the Salt Lake games. OK, I wasn’t really watching, I was snapping photos, cheering, smiling, and running ahead to snap more photos. It was a great

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Parenting, Philosophies, Thanks

Quick Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burger

Quick Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burger

A number of years ago the Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burger was all the rage. Oprah had Donald Trump appear on her show since the recipe was developed at his resort, and she stated that it might be the best turkey burger

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Posted in Dinner, Fast, Kid Friendly, Lunch, Recipes

Inspirational Running, Running a New Version, and Why I’m Running From Zombies

Today’s post is about all about getting inspired, connecting, and…RUN!!!! Inspirational Running Amanda at “Runninghood” (as in motherhood) is a great blogger to read if you run, parent, like to laugh, or all of the above. She’s a former teacher

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Posted in Fitness, Food Articles, Philosophies, Spinning Meals

Dad Appreciation: Steak with Brown Butter Red Wine Sauce

Steak With Brown Butter Pan Sauce

Happy Father’s Day! I worked pretty hard on some fancy writing for my Mother’s Day post, but for the guys it’s going to be all meat and potatoes. Well, just meat, actually. After all, Father’s Day is a time to

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Posted in Dinner, Family, Fast, High Heat, Recipes, Techniques, Thanks


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