Blog Archives

How to make Whomp ‘Ems and Sticks – Campfire Biscuits!

Overheard: “This is a game changer. Womp ‘Ems are a camping game changer.” There’s an exciting way to mix up your campfire routine, and we at Spinning Cook are amazed how few people know about it, and how wild they

Posted in Breakfast, Dessert, DIY, Kid Friendly

Brown Butter Popcorn: Must-See Live TV Edition

One of my earliest and simplest recipes published on the blog is still one of my very favorites. When I booked a show to demo my Brown Butter Popcorn recipe on AM Northwest this week (in a penguin suit no less,

Posted in Kid Friendly, Recipes, Science, Snacks

Teaching Self-Discipline and Self-Control with Marshmallows? The Importance of Teaching Kids About Delayed Gratification

I’ve often found delaying instant gratification can be a tough personal trait to exercise as an a adult. So it got me wondering about how our kids deal with this crucial thought process. And better yet, what can we do

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Fun, Kid Friendly, Parenting, Philosophies

Brown Butter Cornmeal Pancakes Recipe: A Gold Medal Breakfast

Brown Butter Cornmeal Pancakes

I hope everyone has enjoyed the Sochi Winter Games, and if you don’t feel that your country has won quite enough gold medals, here’s a way to make some of your own. I’ve been making cornmeal pancakes out of the

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Posted in Breakfast, Family, Fast, Kid Friendly, Recipes

Rock Candy Lollipops Recipe

Rock Candy Recipe It was a case of a rock star gone pop. Lollipop, that is. My girls were raving fans of a successful experiment we did out of a science kit, growing rock candy crystals in a jar. In

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Posted in Dessert, Kid Friendly, Science, Snacks, Techniques


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