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Frozen Pizza Song: Key to Surviving World Chaos (Really)

Lying in a pool of Piña Colada wearing a wetsuit and diving mask, Will Forte’s character Tandy Miller (“The Last Man On Earth”) leads the other survivors in song as the microwave counts down: “Frozen pizza, frozen frozen pizza…” Years

Posted in Family, Food Politics, Parenting, Philosophies, Sports Recipes

Teaching Self-Discipline and Self-Control with Marshmallows? The Importance of Teaching Kids About Delayed Gratification

I’ve often found delaying instant gratification can be a tough personal trait to exercise as an a adult. So it got me wondering about how our kids deal with this crucial thought process. And better yet, what can we do

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Fun, Kid Friendly, Parenting, Philosophies

Appreciation Checklist: 10 Reasons I Know Moms Give Everything

I Love mom - Moms appreciation

As friends and co-workers celebrate their kids’ high school and college graduations, I’m struck by the staggering investment that an involved parent makes in each child’s life. Yet the decades-long dedication comes so automatically to most, as there is simply no other

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Posted in Food Articles, Parenting, Philosophies, Thanks

Epic Backyard Playhouse: How I spent my summer, and what it taught me about food

Epic Backyard Playhouse

Looking back, this project just seems crazy. But if parenthood doesn’t drive you at least a little bit nuts, you’re probably doing it wrong. Wanting nothing but the best for our kids, we aspired to build them a truly epic

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Philosophies

Why Moms Want Nothing For Mother’s Day

Why Moms Want Nothing For Mother's Day - by SpinningCook

Like many mothers, my dear wife wants nothing for Mother’s day. I know, I’m supposed to buy her a Lexus, or a diamond, or a Home Depot flower tower project or something. But in fact she wants nothing so badly

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Posted in Family, Food Articles, Parenting, Philosophies, Thanks


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