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Sugar Free Pecan Sandies with Brown Butter

Of all the recipes made with nut flours these days, many are a poor shadow of the wheat flour recipes they mean to replace. Not this! Pecan sandies are all about nuts in the first place, and this crunchy salty-sweet

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Rawesome Slawesome: Green Apple Poppy Seed Coleslaw

Poppyseed Green Apple Coleslaw

I’m a big fan of coleslaw. Partially because my brother-in-law makes it so well (see his recipe below), but also because it has a real purpose in life. Sure, it might crush one’s ego to be resoundingly type-cast as a

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Posted in Dinner, Lunch, Raw Food, Recipes, Uncategorized

Quick Cooking: Fast Easy White Rice

Fast Easy White Rice

I’ve heard “simplicity” discussed a lot as a goal for the new year, whether or not people are using that specific word. Along that line, here is recipe which yields very tasty rice in an absolute minimum of prep time.

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Posted in Dinner, Fast, Recipes, Techniques, Uncategorized

Why Don’t We Eat Fruits and Veggies?

A poll I came across in USA Today asked 1300 adults “why we don’t fill half our plates with fruits and vegetables,” per the new MyPlate recommendations. Reasons listed are: They are too expensive (30%) They don’t pair well with

Posted in Food Articles, Philosophies, Raw Food, Uncategorized


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